Thoughts about Promotional DJ Videos

Sometimes I’m asked if I have any DJ videos or mixes to share and although I can understand why prospective clients might ask, I don’t use such materials.

Each event is unique, and clients have different tastes. So each event is custom-tailored: some events want to focus more on contemporary music, some might have more oldies and some might even have Country music. Therefore, it’s not feasible to upload DJ mixes that would appeal to the many varying tastes of potential clients and their unique guests. Besides, it isn’t that hard to mix songs together. It’s much more important to have the experience of DJ-ing at hundreds of weddings, which means important details are considered and things go smoother. Or, having a fun, low-key positive vibe, or the ability to read a crowd well, or not being cheesy. These kinds of things are usually not apparent in an online mix or promo video, therefore my business is based primarily on word-of-mouth.

I think the best way to evaluate a DJ is from reviews and talking with them. Some DJ companies might have well-produced sales videos showing people dancing and such but you can’t really get a feel for what the DJs are like over the course of an evening. For example: how do they handle the mic (I think less is more), what is their music knowledge like–are they familiar with a wide range of music styles, especially the kinds of music that you and your guests might like? Are they friendly and cool? What is their DJ setup and backup plan in case of a problem? How do they control the flow of events? Do they drink or smoke during your event?

I invite you to learn more about my services from browsing my blog and website. I think the reviews help paint the picture about my services and for piano, there are some recordings and a bio.

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